Saturday, October 09, 2010

wet weekend...

in progress

there's a steady rain falling outside. yesterday a southeaster swept through, and the driveway is layered with maple leaves and pine needles. it's a bit calmer now, but the wind is supposed to build again this evening. definitely a wet long weekend which will mostly be spent inside. i did get out briefly to the farmers market during a break in the rain this morning, adding to the stockpile of squash lining my windowsill (i can't help it, i always want more this time of year!), amongst a few other things. i plan to do a bit of baking this afternoon (bread and cookies), partially in preparation for the small thanksgiving potluck we are having tomorrow. i'm in the perfect mood to be cozy inside, sipping a warm mug of tea as i putter about.

in progress

at the moment, i am doing a bit of stitching on a few creatures while catching up on some tv on my laptop. my little chickadee is almost done, mainly needed some legs (poor little guy!) and a re-do of his beak, which turned out a bit crooked. the wolf too is just receiving some finishing touches. so far he has been embellished with few bits of sheep fleece here and there - does that make him a wolf in sheep's clothing?


  1. I wish I could send you some of the sunshine we have for this weekend. Enjoy your thanksgiving.

  2. I love that little chickadee. Happy Thanksgiving!

  3. The chickadee is beautiful! You are so talented.

    I always look at wet weather as an opportunity to knit/craft... Of course, there's always cleaning to be done, too, but it's not nearly as FUN! :)

  4. I cannot WAIT to see this wolf. I am so curious how others construct animals. Once it is done I would love to hear about the process. X Maribeth


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