Sunday, October 31, 2010


elk falls

just a few shots from this weekend. first a walk with family out to elk falls, through the forest of massive douglas fir and cedar trees down to the viewpoint.

campbell river, above elk falls

the river above the falls has still pools here and there, but the rocks are slick and the falls so close, so it's always good to pay attention. not a place you want to lose your footing and end up in the river. peaceful amongst the trees, with the rain just starting to fall. later in the evening it came up quite strongly, with lots of rain.


this morning again dawned clear and bright, and so A and i headed out for a quick walk before another system moved in. even as we walked through the trees we could hear the wind beginning to gust through the treetops and the blue sky quickly disappeared. there were lots of mushrooms to be found everywhere we looked, but no chanterelles today. we glimpsed some mushroom hunters with buckets far off through the trees, but we don't know if they were having any more luck than us.

comox lake

home again now as the sky continues to darken and the wind picks up. another storm tonight they say, strong winds and lots more rain. unfortunate for the trick-or-treaters, but seems fitting weather for a spooky night and the ushering in of november. i think i will go make myself a cup of tea, and settle in with my stitching (on an owl - also fitting for halloween!).

(as always, more pics over on flickr.)

* borrowing a phrase from amanda.


  1. Before I scrolled down enough to see the writing under the photo I was sure that was Elk Falls! So lovely, we'll have to head there for the next walk instead of Quinsam.

    I'm hoping the storm holds off a little for tonight. Last night's rain was crazy, completely torrential.

  2. Honestly, you have to stop posting such beautiful pictures. It makes me want to pack up and move to BC and it's just not feasible at the moment. just joking. I think I'm going to need your pictures come January. Can't wait to see the owl.

  3. I'm with Tara. Do you have a guest bedroom? Or, perhaps even better, a spare tent? I know I could borrow at least a hat if the weather turns on me.


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