Sunday, September 19, 2010

i know what you're thinking...

is all she ever does is go on walks now? well, sort of. definitely finding the need to escape on a regular basis all of a sudden, further escapism needed from the suffocation of my job, or something like that. but anyway, a few more pics to share.


i headed for a different river today, one where the trail wanders straight down to the shore. heavy clouds were in the air, but no rain came down while i walked. it was very still and peaceful, and i sat for awhile on the beach and watched the small boats off shore, a few fisherman standing in the water, many gulls squabbling in the water and in the air, and lots of salmon jumping, all signs of the fish hovering around the river mouth in preparation for swimming upstream.

honey mushrooms

there weren't as many mushrooms to be found on this trail - a lot of the soil is quite sandy which i think discourages them a bit. still, there were some interesting finds, such as the honey mushrooms (i think?) above. i also picked a bunch of rosehips, which i plan to brew into a vitamin c bomb to be added to teas. there was a big patch of blackberries, with many still to ripen, but i was surprised to discover the ripe ones had no flavour. wonder if that's what happens late in the season? i was less happy to see an american bullfrog, an invasive species around these parts that does a lot of damage to local habitats. but the way i keep spotting frogs (thankfully mostly native species) these days i'm going to have to name it "frog fall".

low water

staring out my window now in the near dark, i can see the wind has picked up a lot. i love stormy weather, although i was glad for the quiet today. i'm sad it gets dark so early already though, and also that it's darker in the mornings, at the unfortunate hour i have to get up for work. guess it's becoming that time of year. cooler weather has not really moved in yet though; warm muggy air sat in our town this afternoon. i have finished my chinook mitts, but it's not quite cold enough to wear them. A has already made his seasonal shift from ball caps to toques, but i'm not quite there i'm finding. still, these will come in handy shortly, probably already next weekend when we head to the west coast of the island.

chinook mitts

i have a few hand sewing projects on the go which i hope to share with you soon!

1 comment:

  1. My husband walked the dog along the Quinsam today (I'm under the weather) and he saw the same mushrooms (he took pictures)! So thank you for telling us what they likely are, as I sure didn't know.

    He also saw a big bear on the river.

    Love walking at this time of year.


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