Sunday, September 12, 2010

finding a rhythm...

quilt squares

since returning from our little trip to central washington, i've been trying to coax myself back into the rhythm of daily life. i've been restless and unable to sit and focus on a project, stitching, etc. since thursday i think the restlessness has been exacerbated by the fact that most of our valley is on a boil-water advisory due to e.coli in the water supply. a untidy house just fuels my distraction, but it's even easier to avoid the dishes when water has to be boiled first, not to mention the pots of water crowding up the stove. A has also been painting some molding, which means the dining area where i normally sit and work is in disarray.

nonetheless, i've been playing around with some string quilting to try and inspire the flow, and i'm seeing some promise. i think these could evolve into a new quilt for our bed, a mix of denim, cotton, and linen, much of it recycled from old clothes, or scraps leftover from clothes i have made.

tiny mushrooms

a few days of rain and the season has definitely changed. walking through the damp woods today in between rain showers, signs of autumn were everywhere.

i see you

the banana slugs were constantly underfoot. although they are generally very common around here, i was having to watch my step even more than usual, which was hard since many a spider had strung her web across the trail, and i was trying to avoid those as well.

red-legged frog

another red-legged frog crossed my path, jumping out in front of me but then pausing on the other side of the trail for a quick photo shoot. the woods were quiet but for the rushing of the river running alongside, a quiet sunday for reflection. i was happy to emerge with wet cords after pushing through many sword ferns, and a camera full of shots. i recently acquired a pair of bean boots and i've been so happy with them. i guess i'm shamelessly promoting, but they are much more comfortable for long walks and more supportive than my usual gumboots. if they get me out exploring more, all the better.

purple corduroy and duck boots

ps - you may have noticed that i've changed my header, and also the name of my blog. i've been thinking on this for awhile, and wanted to incorporate the coastal landscape that inspires me so heavily. i'll also be using this name when my shop is up and running.


  1. Love the new header and title.

    Your post was very peaceful and contemplative - just like this week-end.

  2. getting back into the swing is rough. love the pics! your woods look amazing.

  3. Anonymous7:12 a.m.

    That quilt is (like all your work) just beautiful. I completely envy your surroundings. To be out of the city, and into gorgeous woods like those!

  4. Thank you so much for visiting my blog and leaving a comment. I am so happy to "meet" a fellow maker of stitched animals. Your sea creatures are just beautiful. X Maribeth

  5. Absolutely lovley, K.


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