Thursday, July 08, 2010

approaching fog, 15" x 30"

it's funny, how these things go. i have been contemplating, percolating, if you will, on the idea of art/landscape quilts for several years now. i'd seen ones my mom had done, or admired the one on the wall at the medical clinic, and so on, and thought, "someday i should try that". but it was really just in the back of my mind, my head already full of knitting plans, and sewing, and all the other crafty things that i probably spend too much time thinking about. i would try it eventually, when i got around to it.

well, apparently, i've gotten around to it (i'm using a lot of commas today, aren't i?), and i may have been completely taken over by it. the first one very quickly led to the second one, which has even more quickly led to a third, but more on that soon. let's focus on the second one, shall we?

after trying out techniques on "point holmes", i was feeling more confident and ready to experiment even further. "approaching fog" was entirely hand stitched. fabric was warped and twisted, textures and fibres layered on each other, many many stitches holding everything in place, adding further layers and elements. i could have stitched indefinitely, probably. i loved playing with yarn as well as regular thread, and adding the bits of raw fleece to add further dimension. i think that's why i'm enjoying these so much - i love all the incarnations of fibre and fabric, and this is allowing me to play with them all at once, incorporating many techniques. i'm scheming how to add more too - perhaps some weaving or knitting? i'm also a sucker for texture, so all the layering and building is really fun.

i'm noticing a bit of a sea change lately. in the past few years most of my crafting has been focused on "useful" items - clothing, quilts and other items that are physically used, or serve some "purpose". i've had little use for something that would just hang on the wall, for unknown reason. recently though i seem to be embracing art for its own sake. i've been doing a lot more drawing, and these art quilts have been a great exploration without thinking what will happen with the final piece. i've also been exploring a lot of other great artists out there. it's hard to put into words, as it's not so much that i didn't recognize the value of art for art's sake before. but my priorities are changing. maybe it's as simple as going from a product to a process knitter (extrapolated to other things than just knitting). or maybe i'm just redefining my definition of useful...

i'll have to think on this a bit more.


  1. So beautiful. I'm interested in your thoughts on art as well. I think for me that right now I still feel that so much of what I do should be useful in some way - I find it hard to let myself do art for art's sake. I admire that you are finding your way there.

    Did you have a chance to see the art quilt exhibit in Courtenay that the Grandmothers group hosted in June? My mum took me as she was volunteering time there. Art quilts are endlessly amazing to me.

  2. I enjoyed reading this + seeing your quilt - perhaps the useful/art question is just one of going around in a circle - starting with useful (like you - or l´art pour l´art like me), moving on to artful, moving further to artful plus useful at the same time, taking a pause at the plain useful again + so on... - thanks fo your comment...

  3. absolutely beautiful, cannot wait to see what next you make.
    and, in my humble opinion, something that you can look at and enjoy, well, that is a purpose, it makes you feel good. and I love being able to look at point holmes and remember my last visit.

  4. thanks for your comments! i enjoy your thoughts in return on art and craft and use of both.

    kate - i missed out on the exhibit, will have to keep a better eye out for these things.

  5. Continuing to be impressed with your landscape all the elements in this one!

    Your thoughts on art were quite fascinating to me. My first crafty endeavor that I remember was drawing...and that continued to be my main artistic passion until just recently when I've delved some into other things. Because of this, I think I started the opposite of you...appreciating art just for the art, for the talent of it etc. And while I dearly love to 'use' what I make or others make (such as knitting or gourd bowls), I'm perfectly content making something or buying something to just 'look at'.

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