Wednesday, June 23, 2010


lots more stitching to go on this one, but i am beginning to see the final product in my mind's eye. whereas the last piece was largely a monochromatic affair - as many days on the coast can be - i am trying to incorporate more shades into this one. i'm also having fun experimenting with further materials. remnants from my yarn stash are perfect for starfish and mussels, and raw fleece from a friend's sheep is working well as wave foam (and fog, not seen here).

after i took these shots i started incorporating some barnacles into the mix (of course) and am debating what other creatures can join the melee. above these rocks i am building the forest edge; the raggedy, wind-beaten west coast trees. an eagle might find it's way up there, but it's currently just sitting in my thoughts.

more to see soon. the recent, tenuous reprieve from all the rain we've been getting has given me the opportunity to sit outside after work and do some stitching, which my eyes appreciate compared to my dark living room. until then, let me leave you with a shot of a recent delicious meal: shrimp, chickpea and avocado salad. yum.


  1. Anonymous6:19 p.m.

    I love seeing the in-progress shots of your quilt, but I must say, I can't wait to see it finished! After seeing your last one, I know it will be a stunning work of art.

    Also, yum!

  2. a beautiful cloth forming!


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