Saturday, April 24, 2010

exploring at home...

having recently returned home from a week away, i took a little stroll around the garden to see how things were developing. spring started out coming early, but has then been cold and wet these last weeks, so in some ways we seem a bit behind. glad to see flowers in bloom though.

we moved into our basement suite just shy of a year ago, and then over the summer i sadly discovered that this yard is much to shadowed by large evergreens to grow much in the way of a vegetable garden. so this year i am feeling a bit resigned, and have not started anything so far. hoping to rely mainly on the farmers market and friends, unfortunately. but these little bits of colour around the edges of the yard lift my spirits, and i'm hoping that all the flowers on the cherry tree are a sign of a good harvest of fruit to come.


  1. I had a similar garden disappointment this spring! I've even considered those crazy hanging planters, but I don't think we even have a place for those. Thanks for adding little bit of color to my own basement apartment.

  2. Anonymous9:12 p.m.

    Cannot believe your poppies are so close to blooming. The Valley must be 3 weeks ahead of my little island garden!


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