Saturday, February 27, 2010

slow sewing...

slow sewing, originally uploaded by westcoastcreative.

i've been inspired by lots of hand stitching lately, from the wonderful works of jude over at spirit cloth, to the clothing of alabama chanin, so i've been experimenting with a bit of my own. this is a square of interwoven denim strips from an old pair of jeans, slowly being sewn together by leftover red merino from my beautiful red hat. i haven't quite figured out what it's going to be (pillow cover? bag?) but i'm enjoying the meditation of stitching it together. plus i'm glad to be using up scraps, the best sort of recycling i suppose.


  1. love the colour combination

  2. This is so beautiful! I've never tried sewing with yarn before. I've got to try this.


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