Saturday, November 28, 2009

trying to be unselfish...

the new toast catalog arrived, and has me dreaming of being wrapped in woolens and tweeds and traipsing around the scottish countryside, or at least some ideas for new clothing to make. i want a new toque for snowboarding next weekend. and some new fingerless mitts to wear in my chilly office. and a new scarf...well, you all know how it goes. but i heard there's a little holiday fast approaching. not to mention a birthday in a week. so i am pushing aside (for the moment...) what i want, and trying to do a little gift projecting.

my sister requested some medium serving bowls for her birthday, which was easy to take care of, but they needed a little personal touch. so i made these quick potholders for her, out of assorted green cottons with a natural linen binding. i was impressed how fast they came together - just an easy evening project. now who else needs potholders...?

second up (hey, they get compiled until weekends when i can take photos, daylight being such a scarce commodity around here) is probably my biggest holiday project, which is happily completed nice and early. i have been planning this quilt for my niece since the summer, and had originally planned it for her birthday in october. when that didn't come together, i was determined for christmas, and thankfully it came together pretty quickly this month.

i kind of want it for myself...but A is not so hot on us putting a pink and purple quilt on our bed. hmph.

i've got a few more projects in the wings, maybe more photos for you tomorrow. i'm working on a cute little sweater vest for my littlest nephew (aka nephew #3) and i've promised myself if i complete it this afternoon i can spend the evening on something for me. if you're looking for projects for yourself or a quick gift for a stylish friend, martha is very kindly offering a free pattern for a cool origami wrap, i haven't had a chance to take photos of the one i made yet, but it's quite cozy. i also like to wear it wrapped in front and belted.

as always, more pics to be seen on flickr


  1. wow- that quilt is amazing! i love it. it must be such a great feeling to have it completed. and i really like those potholders too- hmm. i might have to make some for christmas gifts...

  2. Anonymous7:19 a.m.

    I popped over here from Sula's blog, and your work is beautiful! I *love* the potholders. Do you have a pattern for them, or did you just make it up? I'd love a pattern link if you have one. Thanks!

  3. thanks for the nice comments from both of you! julieanne - there is not pattern for the potholders, sorry. basically i just guessed an approximate square size, and sewed a couple layers of batting in between cotton fabric (the side in the pic is pieced, but the backside was just a square of fabric). then sewed on a binding with a loop at one corner. hope that helps, or let me know if you have any more questions.


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