Sunday, October 18, 2009

fading daylight, fleeting days...

eep, where did the time go? i've been trying to update more regularly, but i knew october was going to be a challenge. a few days after my last post, we went to tofino for the annual surf kayak festival. i don't paddle, or haven't recently, but A does, and many of our friends. it is usually a fun weekend by the beach, a last camping trip for the season (and the weather was beyond beautiful for early October), a chance to visit with some folks we don't necessarily see that often, and soak up some west coast goodness.

the beautiful sunshine was not quite warm enough to forego a hat though, so it was a good thing i had recently finished (read: wove in the ends on the ride out there) a quick new purple toque. i have had two skeins of purple cashmerino in my stash for quite a while now, but hadn't found the right project for them. when i bought them, i thought getting two different shades of purple was a great idea, but later realized two skeins of one colour might have made a bit more sense, and made pattern selection a bit easier.

lately i have been admiring the many garter stitch stripe items i see on ravelry. they also remind me of many crochet hats i see on my friends, but with added benefit of not being crochet, which admittedly i'm not that fond of, not to mention not really knowing how to do it. so i hoped this hat combined both elements for a cozy, stripey, kinda hippie hat.

we also went on quick trip to vantage, wa to go climbing for a week (see top pic). but our week was cut disappointingly short when after two days of well-below-seasonal-norm temperatures, it proceeded to pour rain. in the desert. boo. needless to say not too impressed and the forecast wasn't improving much, so turned toward home after just three nights.

october has been rounded out with another trip to tofino with visitors from ontario, and now i am finally getting a chance to breathe a little. i hope to have another post for you this weekend, and more pics up on flickr soon. the weather seems to have settled in early to it's november routine of wind and wet, so it should be a perfect weekend for projects at home.

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