Sunday, December 07, 2008

Dark days...

The sun came out today, unexpectedly, allowing us to get a few shots of recent projects to share. These days it's dark when I head to work, and dark when I come home, which I'm sure is the same for much of you, but it does add a bit of sadness to the day, and certainly cuts down on my opportunities for daylight photography. Only a couple more weeks and things will be starting to turn around, however.

So...what have I been up to? Despite buying crazy amounts of yarn lately, I am trying to make some dents in the stash, and in that light I made my self a quick pair of fingerless mitts from some leftover scraps. No pattern to speak of, just coziness, a bit of shine, a bit of nubby tweed, and my current love of stripes is a perfect excuse to use up yarn.

The other item that appears in these pics is a cardigan I made after seeing something similar on Anthropologie's website. I think mine is a bit heavier weight, but I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. I think all the ruffles are balanced with the casualness of the sweatershirt grey jersey. I also finished with the bottom with a sparkly silver ribbon, and the ruffles are sewn with silver thread, for a little extra glitz.

Last FO of the day with a super quick project that had been evolving in my brain for a little bit. Knit with Berocco Peruvia, which was a pleasure I'd never tried before, this hat has a lot of different texture. The cables wind lazily across, separating fields of moss stitch and reverse stockinette, and the decreases at the top create a flower. I had hoped for a bit more slouch, but I think it will work well and stay on my head for snowboarding. Well, that is, if we ever get some snow so the mountain can open. Grrrr. Argh.

Yes, I know. Lots of knitting for me. I've kind of given up on any notions of gift knitting as far as Christmas is concerned - I find I'm impossible at deadlines. I'm definitely impressed with others' holiday knits, though, which I was so motivated. BUt next up, a pair of socks for A, using up more scrap yarn!


  1. Anonymous8:03 p.m.

    Wow, that cardigan is amazing! I'm also impressed with the colors of your stripey mitts. Such an eye you have! I am totally with you about the joys of scrap yarn.

  2. Anonymous2:28 p.m.

    yes, the cardigan is very nice, but I really love the hat:)


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