Friday, December 26, 2008

ah! snow!

Hope everyone has had a good holiday so far. We definitely got our white Christmas...and then some. There is probably two feet on the ground right now, and it was snowing heavily again this morning. However, now the southeaster has really come in strongly and is turning the snow to rain - lovely! Needless to say it's pretty gross outside. We had been excited to finally go snowboarding today as Mount Cain was set to open, but despite all the snow down here the mountains seem to be short on the white stuff and the opening had been postponed yet again. So we are having a quiet day at home, watching the lights flicker occasionally, and I'm plotting new projects - did I mention I got a spinning wheel for Christmas? That mom of mine, she's full of surprises. But first, thought I would quickly share a gift project that I finished early this week.

I think I mentioned that I hadn't really planned any gift knitting, but then my sister sent a list, and on it was a request for a long striped scarf. I haven't knit a scarf in ages, and find they tend to go on forever, but for some reason the idea took over my brain. This is basically Jared's Noro Scarf Pattern, except that I did not use Noro. If you've been here before, you know that I love all things Noro, but I couldn't find any of the colourways that I thought would appeal to my sister, who tends toward pastels and soft blues - periwinkle, baby blue, etc. Enter Patons Soy Wool Stripes, which also makes the scarf even softer.

She seemed to really like it, so I'm glad it turned out well. I would like to make another of these using Noro, but it's low on my list right now. At the moment I'm fascinated by the Tapestry Cowl I am working busily on - double knitting is crazy stuff, man. And I'm even using the suggested yarn! The Koigu I picked out is a lovely dark teal and "Golden Brown", which is yellow-brown in some lights, but in others has quite a bit of green in it. And did I mention the spinning wheel? Hopefully more on that soon, and maybe some more snow pics if I get around to uploading them off the camera - seriously, it's never like this around here!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:06 p.m.

    That scarf is just lovely! I thought it looked softer than Noro--I bet it is great to wear, too. I can't wait to see your beautiful pictures of your spinning. Hope you are enjoying it.


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