Sunday, March 09, 2008

spring is calling...

you can definitely feel it in the air. it's a bit warmer, a bit more mild. i actually wore flip-flops the other day. this crocus shots were taken a week ago - our yard is full of them, mostly purple, with a few yellow ones glowing sunnily in between. not much else is going on yet, but that soon will change. we have been talking dreamily about the coming season and all the vegetables we will plant. i am eager to start some things indoors, but i am going away next week and figured i would wait to do until i return. but soon i will hopefully be filling this blog with images of fresh veggies bursting forth.

but to take an abrupt turn away from spring, next week i will be heading to ontario, where i hear winter is much less ready to release its clutches on the landscape. it will be an adventure, i'm sure, but will also make the spring weather that much more enjoyable upon my return.

my project spectrum project is well underway. these fingerless mitts combine a bit of lace along with some cables, and i'm very excited about the finished product. i am well into the second mitt, although the first still requires finishing touches (to thumb or not to thumb?), so i hope to have a more revealing image to show you soon. this colinette jitterbug is gorgeous, and perfect for ps.


  1. Anonymous2:51 a.m.

    That yarn is gorgeous! And your cheery, spring-ful new header is about as far from what I see outside right now as it can be, so I really appreciate it. ;)

  2. these are totally beautiful!
    spring is still a few weeks away from here... i am jealous!

  3. Anonymous12:03 a.m.

    I love them, so pretty and elegant! But I haven't knitted in years, maybe it would be a good idea to start over again with something more simple... ;)


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