Friday, January 18, 2008

New perspectives...

Admittedly, I was not initially wowed by this pattern. I had seen it on Ravelry, but I think my response was "meh", despite the large amount of folks trying it out. The same can also be said for this yarn, which the boy picked out for himself when I dragged him into a flurry of women known as a yarn sale. Colour me surprised, then, when I discovered how happy I ma with the final product and jealous that these socks are not for me.

The pattern is Charade, and the yarn is Cherry Tree Hill Supersock. If anyone remembers, I knit my Aquaphobia Socks with Cherry Tree Hill, so I knew I would like the yarn and it would hold up well as a sock. But I felt the browns had little appeal in the skein. However, knit up the variation is warm and rich, and it's a little hard to admit A was right. The pattern was not his picking though - just me trying to find something in that balance of what he will wear versus what will I knit. I did get a little tired by the end, but that may be due to other issues. All in all, Charade keeps you interested and looks great in a subtle kind of way. And if you're curious, the brown underneath the socks is not a scary shag carpet (although we have one), but rather a cushy, squishy sheepskin made for me by my dad from one of his sheep - I haven't convinced him to get any Merino sheep yet (they are sooooo cool looking) but thought the sheepskin fit well with the finished product.

But....this may be the last knitting for a little while. Hard to say for sure, as I am still thinking about patterns and eyeing up yarn, but at the same time my knitting enthusiasm seems to have faded a little at the moment. This may also be due to a lot of joint pain I am having in my fingers lately. Somewhere in between knitting, working on a computer all day, climbing, and other sport joint stress (oddly enough I think snowboarding is a factor, but maybe more in my wrists - falling), and my hands are turning into little claws. I've also been thinking about some other things - I've been wanting to get back into drawing a bit more lately, and I hope to be getting a new sewing machine in the near future to replace the cranky specimen I have mostly stopped using. So there may be other projects to show soon, if not of the yarn persuasion.

And there is also my photography, which has definitely been neglected lately. As the days begin to show a little more light, I'm tempted outside again to find interesting angles, and will try to share them with you. That's why I started this blog after all!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:52 p.m.

    Verrry nice! And have I told you lately you make my day? Check out my blog, if you get a minute!


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