Tuesday, December 25, 2007

warm hands, warm heart?

Hope everyone is enjoying the gifts of the season - and I don't just mean that in a material sense. We had our family gathering last night (Danish traditional Christmas), and are now winding down back home again. Didn't do much knitting with all the family around, but did manage to finish these up before things got going.

As mentioned before, these fingerless mitts are based on the Inga hat pattern. I pushed forward despite my doubts halfway through and think I am pretty happy with the result. My tension in stranding definitely leaves something to be desired, but they fit, and I think will even out with wear (lazy girl's blocking). Yarns used are Drops Alpaca for the red - it really shines in the sunlight with strands of purple and yellow - and the off-white is some leftover Ella Rae Classic from my Lush & Lacy cardigan. The Ella Rae held up fine, but since I was using the Alpaca held double, I ran out a few rows shy of a second mitt, and both without thumbs. I had to make a few changes, and the thumbs are a bit shorter than planned, but I think they'll pass muster. Basically I did one repeat of the Inga chart (40 stitches), on 3mm dpns, with the seam up the centre of the palm, which doesn't create a perfect join but I think it looks okay. My big concern is actually with the needles - Brittany needles. I have now broken two of the five, and am thinking my replacements will not be the same brand. I've never broken a bamboo needle, but these hardwood dpns don't seem to hold up as well.

I should have some Aquaphobia socks to show in the next day or two. Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!


  1. I am ridiculously in love with your mitts! They're gorgeous, and a great use of the Inga pattern.

    I've had issues with Brittany needles, too. They really do snap like... twigs.

  2. Hi,

    I made the inga hat and just love your genius mitts!

  3. What great mitts! I'm not brave enough to take a pattern and turn it into something else. Lovely!


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