Saturday, October 13, 2007

and one more...

I hate colourwork. Let's just get that out of the way. I just don't get it, and my efforts are mediocre at best, so I generally avoid it like the plague. But I decided to give in this one time, and the boy thought this looked like a neat hat. This is the Sheep & Wool Hat from Emily. I made a few tweaks, namely using smaller needles so I cast on 110 stitches instead of 100. I also modified the top decreases to my own preference. The pattern was very easy to follow and had a pretty good flow. But I'm just not good at keeping tension in colourwork, and there is some noticeable twisting in the edge where I stitched the underside stockinette edge to the outside. But A seems happy with it, so that is the important part. And it will definitely keep him warm this winter - there is a lot of thickness once you get all those stranding layers. On the whole though, I think I'd rather stick to cables and lacework with one colour of yarn.

and to finish off today's post is a autumn shot from a recent walk on the Campbell River...

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:55 p.m.

    What a pretty hat - great job!


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