Sunday, July 15, 2007


Well, that was quick. Obviously I've been a bit preoccupied with this one. Start to finish took one week. Pattern is the Circular Shrug from Peony Knits. I made some significant modifications in that I abandoned the mock rib pattern used on the main body of the shrug, and instead used a the Vinnland Sock pattern from The Anticraft down the centre, bordered on each side by stockinette. Yarn? Oh, yes, the lovely Noro Silk Garden in #203. I knew the Noro striping would never match up perfectly for seaming, but was also unable to visualize where the seams would be while knitting this. When I discovered they pretty much run across my breasts, I wasn't sure I had made the best choice. But I decided to work with it, and used a three needle bind-off to create a nice but obvious seam figuring it was never going to be invisible anyway, so might as well go with it.

For my first adult sized sweater (albeit a small one) I am pretty happy, and the the commitment required for future large projects seems less imposing. But nonetheless I have a few small projects in the works for now - finishing my fun candystriper socks (yup, that's what I'm calling them) and a few other ideas spinning around in my head.


  1. Wow that looks great in the Noro. Good choice, you are a fast knitter.

  2. Anonymous5:19 p.m.

    That looks absolutely fabulous! I can't believe it is your first sweater. You made such good choices, and the fit is perfect. Love that colorway. (Ok, I'm done raving for now so I can go get that pattern!)

  3. Anonymous6:25 a.m.

    oh LOVE! I'm definitely going to have to copy you on this one. I've never ever liked noro, but I love it n this shrug (and i love the whole pattern!!!). It's beautiful.

  4. Anonymous5:12 a.m.



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