Wednesday, May 09, 2007


these have been sitting under the radar for a little while, as i didn't want to post about them until the recipient had had a chance to see them. but i'm very pleased to hear that they have been happily received my A's mom in Ontario, even though it is now getting much too warm to wear them! the pattern is just my basic fingerless mitts, knit in patons classic merino on 3.5mm dpns. the cable pattern was inspired from shedir (which i am also contemplating as a project soon). this photo probably doesn't show them at their best angle - but i'd love to see the new owner modeling them!

what has been occupying me lately? other than my new job that's keeping me very busy, i have just recently been taken over by the leyburn socks from pepperknit, which i'm finding a very easy but obsessive knit. not to mention i am knitting them in beautiful cherry tree hill yarn in golds, greens and blues - wait till you see it. more to come soon. although if the weather continues to be as beautiful today, i could be easily lured outside to climb...

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