Thursday, November 30, 2006

back home...

yes, we have returned from the sunny south. and as you can see from photos, it has been a bit of a frosty wonderland waiting for us. we are currently snowed in at the folks' place, enjoying a bit of respite before diving back in to the real world. i have many a photo to post but thought i would first start off with these shots. later i will show you shots of our ridiculous snowy drive home through washington, but for now there is this.

when we arrived home there was snow, but the skies has cleared a little, leaving it chilly and icy. yesterday a storm blew in, with a full day of swirling, blowing powder. for anyone in the know, this is definitely not west coast weather. i am not used to the snow being so light and fluffy, and blowing in swirls off the rooftops and up in drifts against the doors. however, as is typical, things started to warm up and today we are left with a heavy wet mass of snow in the true wet coast tradition. looks to keep warming, so it is evolving into a slushy mess. still might be awhile before my car moves...

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