Tuesday, September 12, 2006

west coast dreaming...

am enjoying a bit of sun today as i hear the fall weather will be arriving tomorrow. still, i'm definitely ready for a bit of fall.

A. and i are heading to the west coast - tofino! - next weekend for the surf kayak festival and i can't wait. it's been over a year since i wiggled my toes in long beach sand, and listened to crashing waves - i can taste the salt air already. i know, i live beside the ocean, but it's not the same as the real west coast. i have posted this photo taken last year which i think offers a good feel for the experience. even when the beaches are crowded, you can usually find a spot where you are the only person around, eyeing shells in the sand and staring off to japan.

the paddle fest is also a great time to meet up with friends and long lost acquaintances, take some photos, and get one last "summer" camping trip in. i wish i was there already.

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