Sunday, September 17, 2006

hibernation part one...

this was yesterday. granted, a little chilly with a stiff westerly breeze, but sunny and bright. today is the exact opposite. the rain is steady, the southeasterly wind is shaking the trees, and i'm sitting in the house with two sweaters on and a general desire to burrow under the covers till spring. i know i said i like fall, and i do. but when a gale is blowing i'm happier inside, observing nature's fury from the dry comforts of my armchair. i suppose i should be happy that we finally have some real rain, that the parched earth is receiving a bit of attention. tofino, my destination of next weekend, is certainly in need of some water. i just hope we are all done with it by the time i get there, as tenting in the rain has limited charm.

perhaps later i will venture out to capture georgia strait in a fury of whitecaps, but for now i will stay cozy with my knitting and a loaf of bread rising on the stove.

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