Wednesday, August 30, 2006

hints of autumn...

fall is my favourite season. i know it's not officially fall yet, but i can feel it's beginnings in the air. it feels a bit crisper, cleaner, than the thick weight of summer. okay, i am sad the days are getting a bit shorter, but half the fun of autumn is how fleeting it is. around here we rarely get "real" winters - read: snow, but the dark days of november rain get old pretty quick. so before then i like to enjoy sunshine and crisp outdoor days, while still being able to wear fun new cords and scarves (what, i can't be shallow about clothes?)

i hope to have a whole slew of fall photos soon, but despite the change in air quality, nature isn't showing her wares just yet. until then, here is a shot of lichen, with the water of edwards lake, tetrahedron provincial park, behind. enjoy!


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